Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wooden Boat Show and World Championship Dog Competition Rockland Maine.

Thanks to everyone who came by first ever booth at the Maine Boats and Harbors Home show this weekend in Rockland!  Check out my short video of the Boat Yard Dog World Championships below... I am planning on cleaning up at this event next year with a very well trained border collie who can catch frisbees while riding in an inflatable. The dog can steer the inflatable to very near where the frisbee is landing then he leaps out of the inflatable and catches the frisbee in mid air, then splashes into the water... this will easily win this competition as you can see in my video, the dogs in this year's competition were so incredibly untalented, the winner was chosen by the handler who got dressed up the best and acted funny and fell into the water!  Thanks to Jeff Scher for the photo of me at my Booth.  Check out his blog post for a great aerial photo of the show.